Piazza di Siena
87° CSIO ROMA 2019
Piazza di Siena 87th edition
The 87th edition of CSIO Rome Piazza di Siena Master d’Inzeo, organised by FISE in cooperation with CONI, has just concluded with considerable success. The media impact of the event has been very high, with 15 hours of TV coverage between Eurosport and Rai, 80 hours of live streaming of the competitions, riders and amazons broadcast in 52 different countries. Such impressive coverage has been guaranteed by the high-tech equipment and ultra-specialized staff of DBW Communication that has realized the entire production for the first time in UltraHD, deploying two new 4K-Ultra OBVan in the field.
Piazza di Siena VR 360
On the occasion of this edition, for the first time in Italy, the live streaming of the competition in Virtual Reality 360° has been realized. An extraordinary technological experimentation, in the context of the production of video contents intended for live transmission on the WEB and on APP, which guarantees the viewer to watch 4K images with a 360-degree field of view. Thanks to the introduction of this new technology, all riding enthusiasts have been able to experience the prestigious competition in immersive mode, a sort of teleport that allows the spectator to watch the race within the extraordinary landscape context of Villa Borghese freely orienting the 360 degree view and choosing between different points of view. The service included three different deliveries: Youtube streaming; transmission on platform for smartphone and immersive headsets; an Oculus Rift station in the press area. One OBVan, equipped with three self-pointing satellite antennas, has been given the control and management of the service. An initiative of the FISE in collaboration with the CONI realized by DBW Communication in partnership with Round4U and Oberon Media and with the support of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and European (ESA).